Crazy. A compliment in this case. And the crazier the better when it comes to getting kids attention so they are tuned into the message you want to teach. But cool too? A tall order, indeed. Nearly a decade later, I have learned to give students opportunities to infuse things that interest them into the classroom. This back and forth keeps us all on the edge of our seats looking forward to great science experiences. I now teach 7th grade science.

Monday, March 15, 2010

NYC Timescapes

This week, the whole school steps outside the normal constraints of the curriculum and works on an integrated project.

Project Description:

Travel through time and find out how and why NYC was transformed from a wilderness into the greatest city in the world. You will learn about Manahatta's legacy during field trips to the Museum of the City of New York, the Empire State Building and exploration of different neighborhoods. You will connect this new information with prior knowledge of timelines, maps and scale from math, science and history class.

The showcase product will be the creation of your own mapping project of Manahatta that will include the neighborhood of your choice showing past, present and future models.  You will make environmental recommendations and predictions about what you think NYC will be like in the future.


Manahatta Curriculum

Google Earth Viele Map

Museum of the City of New York

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