Crazy. A compliment in this case. And the crazier the better when it comes to getting kids attention so they are tuned into the message you want to teach. But cool too? A tall order, indeed. Nearly a decade later, I have learned to give students opportunities to infuse things that interest them into the classroom. This back and forth keeps us all on the edge of our seats looking forward to great science experiences. I now teach 7th grade science.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Punta Cana

I'll be spending the month of July in the Domican Republic at the Puntacana Resort & Club thanks to a fellowship from Columbia University's CERC Teacher Training Institute & the Puntacana Ecological Foundation.

About twenty five educators, including myself, will learn from and collaborate with scientists. The course work includes developing an integrated curriculum and doing field work. Hopefully, I'll be on the beach surveying coral reefs!

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