Crazy. A compliment in this case. And the crazier the better when it comes to getting kids attention so they are tuned into the message you want to teach. But cool too? A tall order, indeed. Nearly a decade later, I have learned to give students opportunities to infuse things that interest them into the classroom. This back and forth keeps us all on the edge of our seats looking forward to great science experiences. I now teach 7th grade science.

Monday, March 29, 2010

NSF GK-12 Conference

We just got back from the NSF GK-12 Conference. It was held this weekend in Washington DC.

I was particularly impressed by the teacher training work done by the University of Wyoming.  They hold summer institutes and weekend workshops focused around field work and inquiry instruction.

Our team lead two presentations:
Sharing Ways to Invent (and Assess) Integrative Lessons, Andrew Mugler (Fellow), Columbia University; Michael Seymour (Teacher)

Incorporating Technology into an Urban Middle School Classroom: Successes and Challenges
Jeffrey Lancaster (Fellow), Columbia University

The LEEFS website, designed by Jeffrey Lancaster, earned an award. Woohoo!

Truth be told, the best part of the trip was my Friday evening run around the Capital building then into the sunsetting behind the Washington Monument. A close second was our dinner at Bankok Bistro in Georgetown.

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