Crazy. A compliment in this case. And the crazier the better when it comes to getting kids attention so they are tuned into the message you want to teach. But cool too? A tall order, indeed. Nearly a decade later, I have learned to give students opportunities to infuse things that interest them into the classroom. This back and forth keeps us all on the edge of our seats looking forward to great science experiences. I now teach 7th grade science.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

We are too cool for school! Teachers really do have more fun. I thought about going easy on  my students for Halloween & not giving the goblins homework but quickly changed my mind when I realized they expected the day "off". A slacker attitude will bring out my whips every time.

Students wasted no time asking, "Do you have any candy? Are you going to tell us a scary story?" Most weren't even wearing costumes. As a matter of fact, "You need to learn and you don't need any candy. I'll tell you something scary. You're failing science. Get to work!"

Peace out.